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Neuromodulation Implant Treatment Optimisation

Navigating Your Treatment: The Neuromodulation Implant Procedure Process

Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Pain Surgery Support is a comprehensive approach to managing chronic pain using advanced medical technology and holistic care practices. It’s like planning a journey, where we set the destination (relief from chronic pain) and use the best tools and resources available to get there.

What is Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Pain Surgery Support?

Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Pain Surgery Support is a unique service we provide in collaboration with your Pain Specialist. It involves a tailored assessment prior to your implant and comprehensive follow-up sessions after the procedure. Our aim is to ensure you are in the best physical, psychological, and social position to undergo this treatment and make the most out of it.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Spinal Cord Stimulator (also known as Neuromodulation Implant): This is a medical device that’s implanted in your body. It uses electrical signals to change how your nerves send danger messages to your brain. Think of it as a ‘danger dimmer switch’ that reduces the intensity of danger signals which triggers your pain experience, helping to relieve chronic pain.
  2. Treatment Optimisation: This is where your journey to pain relief becomes personalised. An occupational therapist (like a travel guide in our journey analogy) helps prepare you for the procedure and guides you through the recovery. They work with you to ensure you’re not only physically ready for the treatment but also emotionally and psychologically prepared.
  3. Pre-Procedure Assessment: This is like checking your travel gear before setting off. Your occupational therapist will talk with you to understand your current situation, expectations, and readiness for the procedure. They’ll assess your mental and physical health, and discuss your goals and concerns.
  4. Post-Procedure Guidance: After the procedure, your occupational therapist will continue to guide you, much like a travel guide would show you around a new city. They’ll help you gradually get back to your daily activities, manage any stress or concerns, and work with you to ensure the treatment is having the best possible impact on your life.
  5. Long-Term Support: Even after the procedure, your journey to pain relief continues. Your occupational therapist will keep working with you, teaching you strategies to manage your condition independently and guiding you on how to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

So, Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Pain Surgery Support is not just about a medical procedure. It’s a journey to a better, more comfortable life. And just like a well-planned trip, it takes into account your unique needs, goals, and circumstances to make the journey as smooth and successful as possible. You’ll have an experienced guide (your occupational therapist) with you every step of the way, ensuring you feel confident and reassured throughout the process.

Why See an Occupational Therapist?

Undergoing a spinal cord stimulator (neuromodulation implant) procedure can be a significant event in a patient’s life. It requires not only physical readiness but also psychological and social stability to ensure optimal outcomes. An Occupational Therapist (OT) plays a critical role in this multidimensional preparation and recovery process.

Personalized Assessment: An OT provides a comprehensive pre-implant assessment that includes a careful review of your psychological state, understanding of the procedure, expectations, and current pain coping strategies. This allows the OT to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure and to identify any areas that may need additional support or intervention.

Goal Setting: The OT collaborates with you to establish realistic goals for your treatment. This could range from “I want to reduce my medication gradually” to “I want to do more around the house”. Having clear, achievable expectations is essential to a successful treatment outcome.

Addressing Potential Barriers: If there are any barriers that could impede your recovery, such as psychosocial stressors, the OT can help you devise an effective action plan to manage these challenges.

Post-Implant Rehabilitation: After the procedure, your OT will guide you through the recovery process. This involves graded exposure to activities, guidance on self-management strategies, stress management, and fostering healthy lifestyle habits. Your OT will be with you at every step, providing expert advice and support to ensure the best possible outcome.

Continued Support: Your OT will conduct follow-up sessions after the implant to assess your progress and make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. The goal is to help you regain control and live your best life.

In conclusion, seeing an Occupational Therapist for Neuromodulation Implant Treatment Optimisation provides you with a holistic, patient-centered approach that goes beyond the surgical procedure. It helps you navigate the journey before, during, and after the implant, ensuring you are fully equipped to make the most of the treatment and achieve the best possible outcome.

The Process

Each of these steps is carefully designed to ensure your safety and maximise the effectiveness of the neuromodulation implant. The goal is not just to reduce your pain but also to improve your overall quality of life. Throughout this process, your occupational therapist will be there to guide and support you, providing valuable advice and strategies to enhance your recovery and help you regain control over your life.


Pre-hab session (Pre-trial implant)

This is the first stage where you meet with the occupational therapist for an initial assessment. This session helps the therapist understand your current situation, expectations, and readiness for the procedure. It’s a critical step to ensure you’re fully prepared for the journey ahead.


Stage 1 (trial)

Semi-permanent lead placement to external trial stimulator (ETS): This is the actual trial procedure where semi-permanent leads are placed in your body that connect to an external trial stimulator. It’s a vital step in determining whether the treatment will be effective for you.


Overnight Stay After Procedure

You’ll stay overnight at the hospital after the trial procedure conducted by your pain specialist/surgeon. This allows the medical team to monitor your condition closely and ensure there are no complications.


Post-procedure Follow-up Sessions

After the trial, you’ll have follow-up sessions with your occupational therapist. These sessions, ideally six in number, occur over 4-6 weeks post-implant. They are essential for monitoring your progress and adjusting the treatment plan as necessary. Your OT will provide guidance on activities and help you manage your recovery process.


Home Monitoring

Once discharged, your condition will be remotely monitored for about 1-4 weeks. This period allows the medical team to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment and make necessary adjustments to the leads if required.


Ongoing SupportSuccess Trial

If the treatment results in a 50% or greater reduction in pain, it is considered a successful trial. This significant pain reduction indicates that the procedure has worked effectively.

What You Will Get

Lifeworks Occupational Therapy offers a range of evidence-based interventions designed to help you maximise your chances of a successful neuromodulation implant procedure, including:

Understanding of Neuromodulation Implant Treatment

It’s essential that you fully understand the procedure and what to expect. If needed, the OT can provide further education to ensure you’re fully informed.

Initial Assessment

The occupational therapist (OT) will conduct a thorough evaluation of your current state, understanding of the procedure, expectations, and how you are managing your pain. This provides the baseline for your treatment plan.

Psychological Evaluation

The OT will screen for psychological barriers that might impact your treatment. If any are identified, they can recommend you for further psychological evaluation.

Guidance in Self-Management Strategies

The OT will teach you techniques to manage your condition independently, including pain education and pacing strategies. This empowers you to take control of your recovery process.

Stress Management

Undergoing a significant procedure like a neuromodulation implant can be stressful. Your OT will equip you with strategies to manage this stress effectively, helping to promote a smoother recovery.

Sleep Health

Receive guidance on improving your sleep habits and environment, as better sleep can contribute to pain reduction and enhanced recovery.

Healthy Practices

Your OT will provide advice and support on adopting healthy lifestyle factors, such as quitting smoking, engaging in regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight. These factors can significantly contribute to your recovery and overall health.

Activity Diaries

You will learn how to keep a record of your daily activities before and after the implant. This helps the OT understand your lifestyle and adapt the treatment plan to suit your needs and capabilities. It also helps to track changes and improvements over time.

Graded Exposure to Activities

After the procedure, you’ll gradually reintroduce various activities into your daily routine. The OT will guide you through this process to ensure it’s done in a way that benefits your recovery and doesn’t overexert you.

Assistive Technologies

Explore tools and devices that can improve your ability to perform everyday tasks, increasing your independence and reducing pain.


By engaging in our pain recovery service, you can expect to experience a range of benefits, including:

Improved Readiness for the Procedure

The initial assessments and preparations ensure that you are in the best possible physical, psychological, and social position to undergo this treatment. This increases your chances of a successful outcome.

Enhanced Recovery

With the support of an OT, your recovery process is carefully managed and guided, facilitating a smoother and more efficient recovery. This includes gradual re-introduction to activities and managing any psychosocial stressors.

Comprehensive Care

By involving an OTin your Neuromodulation implant treatment, you are receiving a comprehensive level of care that goes beyond the surgical procedure. They consider all aspects of your life and health, ensuring the treatment is tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

Emotional Support

The journey to managing chronic pain can be emotionally challenging. An OT provides not only clinical support but also emotional support, helping to alleviate anxieties and stress related to the procedure and recovery process.

Personal Empowerment

This service empowers you to take an active role in your treatment process. By setting realistic expectations, understanding the procedure, and learning self-management strategies, you are equipped with the tools to navigate your journey confidently.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Spinal Cord Stimulator Procedure (Neuromodulation Implant Treatment)?

Spinal Cord Stimulator procedure involves implanting a medical device in your body that uses electrical signals to change the way your nerves send pain messages to your brain. It’s like a ‘pain dimmer switch’ that reduces the intensity of pain signals, helping to relieve chronic pain. 

How does the Neuromodulation Implant Treatment Optimisation process work?

This is a comprehensive approach that involves pre-procedure assessment, the implant procedure, and post-procedure guidance. An Occupational Therapist will work with you throughout this process, helping to prepare you for the procedure and guiding you through recovery. 

What can I expect during the pre-procedure assessment?

During the pre-procedure assessment, your Occupational Therapist will evaluate your current physical and mental health, discuss your expectations and concerns, and help you understand the procedure and what to expect. 

How will an Occupational Therapist help me after the procedure?

After the procedure, your Occupational Therapist will help you gradually reintroduce daily activities, manage any stress or concerns, and monitor your progress. They’ll also guide you in adopting healthier lifestyle practices and teach you strategies to manage your condition independently. 

What are the benefits of the Neuromodulation Implant Treatment Optimisation service?

This service provides a comprehensive and personalised approach to managing chronic pain. It empowers you to take an active role in your treatment process, ensures you are fully prepared for the procedure, facilitates a smoother recovery, and equips you with self-management strategies for long-term success. 

Is this service covered by insurance or government funding programs?


Coverage for the Neuromodulation Implant procedure and Occupational Therapy services can vary greatly depending on your insurance provider and policy. It’s important to check with your insurance company to understand what is covered.

Some patients may be eligible for funding support through Medicare or workers’ compensation. You may also explore options like payment plans or financial assistance programs. We recommend discussing this with your healthcare provider or our administrative staff, who can guide you through possible options.

Is the Neuromodulation Implant Treatment Optimisation service suitable for everyone with chronic pain?

While this treatment can be very effective for many people with chronic pain, it’s not suitable for everyone. Your healthcare provider (pain specialist) will evaluate your specific condition, health history, and individual needs to determine if this is the right treatment option for you. 

Still Have Questions?

If you can’t find an answer to your question in the FAQ’s above, you can always contact us and we’ll respond asap.

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