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Sensory Profile Assessment

What is a Sensory Profile?

Sensory Profile Assessments, an integral tool at Lifeworks Occupational Therapy, are designed to evaluate an individual’s sensory processing patterns. These assessments help us understand how sensory information is perceived and processed, which in turn influences behavior and learning. Utilising the renowned Sensory Profile as our primary assessment tool, we delve into the unique sensory experiences of each client, aiding in the development of tailored strategies to enhance daily functioning.

A Sensory Profile assessment is a tool used by occupational therapists and other professionals to understand how individuals perceive and respond to sensory information in their environment. This assessment can benefit a wide range of individuals, including:

Children with Developmental Delays or Disorders: Children who have developmental delays, including those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other developmental disorders, often benefit from a sensory profile assessment. It can help in understanding their sensory preferences and aversions, which is critical for tailoring interventions and support strategies.

Individuals with Sensory Processing Issues: Some people, regardless of other diagnoses, have sensory processing difficulties. They might be overly sensitive to sensory inputs (like loud noises or certain textures) or under-responsive (not noticing sensory inputs that others would). The assessment helps in identifying these patterns.

Adults with Mental Health Concerns: Adults who experience anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges might also benefit. Sensory processing can affect stress levels and overall well-being, so understanding an individual’s sensory profile can aid in creating effective coping strategies.

People with Chronic Pain or Physical Disabilities: Those experiencing chronic pain or living with physical disabilities may have altered sensory experiences. Understanding their sensory preferences can improve comfort and functionality in daily activities.

Elderly Individuals: For older adults, especially those with conditions like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, a sensory profile can help in understanding how they process sensory information, which can be crucial for their care and quality of life.

Trauma Survivors: Individuals who have experienced trauma may have heightened or altered sensory sensitivities. A sensory profile assessment can provide insights into triggers and help in developing strategies for managing responses to sensory stimuli.

In general, anyone who seems to have unusual or problematic responses to sensory experiences – whether they are over-responsive, under-responsive, or seeking sensory input in unusual ways – might benefit from this assessment. It aids in developing tailored strategies that can improve their interaction with their environment, enhance learning, and support overall well-being.

Steps to a Sensory Profile Assessment


Book an appointment

Schedule your appointment with our expert team. This is a time for us to understand your needs and explain the process.


Face-to-Face Interview

Engage in a comprehensive 1.5-hour interview. During this session, we explore your sensory experiences and gather essential information.


Assessment and Analysis

Our professionals utilise the Sensory Profile tool to analyse the information and understand your sensory patterns.


Report Generation

We compile our findings and insights into a detailed report, offering a clear understanding of your sensory profile.



Alongside the report, we provide personalised recommendations, strategies, and tips to improve daily life and sensory experiences.


Report Discussion

Schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss the outcome of your assessment and the details of the report with your therapist, and plan for future intervention, if required.


By participating in our sensory profile assessment services, you can expect to experience:

Personalised Insight

Gain an in-depth understanding of how you uniquely perceive and process sensory information.

Improved Daily Functioning

With tailored recommendations, enhance your ability to navigate everyday tasks and environments more effectively.

Enhanced Self-awareness

Develop a greater awareness of your sensory preferences and triggers, leading to better self-management.

Support for Caregivers and Professionals

Provides valuable information to those supporting individuals with sensory processing challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the entire sensory profile assessment take?

The total process takes about 3 hours, including a 1.5-hour face-to-face interview and time for report generation. An optional second appointment can be booked to discuss the assessment finding and recommendations, and/or plan intervention.

Who can benefit from a sensory profile assessment?

Individuals who experience challenges in processing sensory information, those with learning differences, or anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their sensory preferences can benefit.

Is the sensory profile assessment suitable for all ages?

Yes, our sensory profile assessments are adaptable to suit individuals of various ages and needs.

How can I prepare for the assessment?

No specific preparation is needed. Just come as you are, ready to share your experiences and feelings.

Still Have Questions?

If you can’t find an answer to your question in the FAQ’s above, you can always contact us and we’ll respond asap.

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